Monday, November 19, 2007

What I Need to Do

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I discovered that I gained two pounds! Yet, I’m not feeling a great urgency to do better. I’m bummed and my motivation is low.

I don’t want to gain the weight back. I came up with a list of things I need to do to get back on the wagon.

1. Stop eating impulsively.
2. Sit down and focus when I eat.
3. Keep myself from getting overly hungry.
4. Calm myself if do I let myself get too hungry.


Unknown said...

Good luck with that list!

Living to Feel Good said...

I felt like that too. Last night it hit me that I am sick of not being inspired. Tomorrow I'm going back to WW. I feel excited about it.

Good luck to you. :)

I fear no one’s opinion! I am knowledgeable, focused, and efficient. I make this priority and build from experience. I do this for my children and myself. Supported by love, I will persevere.